Group Leader (Guidelines)

As a reminder to all our coaches, here are some guidelines to follow during your group lead meetings – this can be altered to fit many different driving organizations.

Have suggestions? Let us know!

  1. Welcome Students/Guests to your event!
  2. I am parked (your location) – My car is (describe your car) – you will find me there throughout the day if you have any  comments, questions, or concerns
  3. This is not a race weekend. We are just having fun at a race track with our friends.
  4. Safety is our #1 priority – no aggressive driving. Please see me if you are in any way uncomfortable. If you see something wrong/uncomfortable on track, please pull  through the pits and let one of our Safety stewards know. We like to deal with issues  immediately, so everyone has a safe and enjoyable time on track.
  5. If this is your first time at (Track) and need help, don’t be shy we can get you an instructor to ride-along. If you’re uncomfortable with your car versus the speed/pace of your run group, you can also request to move down to a lower run group. 
  6. BLEND LINE is staying tight all the way through Turn (turn number)! Observe the blend line EVERY TIME you go out on track. Note: For cars approaching a vehicle that is blending, if they vehicle coming out on track is closer to the apex, the blending vehicle OWNS THAT APEX! Faster cars need to yield to blending traffic. example: Nelson Ledges, NJMP, Watkins Glen.
  7. Does everyone know flags?
  8. Paddock speed is as fast as you’d like to be run over. There are always spectators, children, pets, etc around the paddock – mind your speeds! Check your tires pressures in the cold pit lane.
  9. Show them where to enter and exit the track.
  10. Please check you fuel gauge after/before every session. Do not go out on track with less  than a ½ tank unless you’re in a lawnmower. Do not be that guy that runs out on track,  you use a lot more fuel on these big tracks than you’d think.
  11. Monitor your tires and fluids. Make sure you are not leaking anything (Power steering,  Coolant, oil)
  12. I will be closely monitoring course flow and timely point bys; other coaches and group leaders will also be out on track with us, let’s be the best flowing group out there.
  13. We operate on the idea of COOPERATIVE PASSING – we consider point-bys  “contracts” between drivers and the communication not only means “I see you, pass me  on my left/right.” It also means I WILL HELP YOU COMPLETE THE PASS!”
  14. Passing is allowed in the designated Passing Zones (state those zones) – passes need to be signaled early, completely clearly, and quickly. DO NOT commit to a pass you can’t complete safely – waive off the pass! Passing should be consistent, generally signal to the side of the car toward the approaching Apex. Meaning, if you’re coming up on a right hand turn, the person giving the pass should point over the roof to the right, keep the car to the LEFT, and the passing car stays offline and completes the pass on that side (reverse for a left apex).
  15. Other Important Passing Notes: One point by per car, Car in front controls the pass, Car in back is responsible for safely completing the pass, Tap the mirror to tell the car in back “I see you”, You don’t have to take every point by signal. You can wave off a pass. f) If the car in back waves off the pass, give them a point by in the next passing  zone again. If you are a slower driver, pull through the pits to let the train pass, you will most  likely not see those cars again that session.
  16. Be aware of your surroundings at all times!
  17. Progression (Check Out Rides) Procedures
  18. We will have a short Group Download meetings at (Pick a place) after each on track  session.
  19. On-track exercises will be at (Session/Time). You must attend Classroom at (Time).
  20. Last session of the day will a combined session with all SOLO drivers. We will follow (run group) passing rules.
  21. Stay hydrated and watch each other out there